“For us it is a beginning, not a farewell”
On 1 January, DACHSER CEO Bernhard Simon and Michael Schilling, COO Road Logistics, will join the Supervisory Board of the family company. They are leaving the new board team around Burkhard Eling a highly stable and crisis resilient company behind. Bernhard Simon on the changes at the top management level of DACHSER.

We will not let the coronavirus pandemic dictate our actions. This was our guiding principle when at the end of March—in the middle of the shutdown in Europe and many other countries around the world—we communicated the long-planned changes in DACHSER senior management scheduled for January 1, 2021.
In those times, full of uncertainty and pessimistic outlooks for the future, this was a courageous step. But it came at just the right time. The year 2020 serves as an impressive demonstration of how robust and adaptable the DACHSER network, consisting of people, locations, and IT systems, can be even in a crisis. We were always ready to deliver, at times under the most difficult conditions. Our customers and service partners alike were able to benefit from this strength.
Next era at DACHSER
After 31 years of collaboration in operational management, my fellow Executive Board member and deputy, COO Road Logistics Michael Schilling, and I are leaving behind a highly stable and crisis‑resilient company: our life’s work. On the Supervisory Board, both of us will continue to dedicate ourselves to our work for DACHSER. For us it is a beginning, not a farewell.
Over the past year, Burkhard Eling and his incoming Executive Board team have splendidly proven their mettle once again. They will now start the next era on our path to becoming the world’s most integrated logistics provider. In doing so, they are continuing a worthy tradition: adding value and optimizing the logistics balance sheets of DACHSER customers.