
Information security at DACHSER

Insufficiently protected information represents a considerable risk factor, even one that threatens the company's existence, as it provides a target for the increasingly frequent cyberattacks. In logistics, which is particularly dependent on functioning IT at many points, reliable and secure supply chains are currently more important than ever. Protecting and trusting your data is therefore a top priority for DACHSER.

Currently, more and more targeted and increasingly professional hacker attacks are taking place by means of so-called ransomware attacks. Hackers penetrate companies' IT systems through security vulnerabilities, encrypt important data such as employee information or financial data, threaten to publish the sensitive data, and demand a ransom in exchange for the key. In addition to the ransom, this results in high costs for restoring the IT systems after such an attack. The greater the importance of the digital part of a company, the greater the threat in terms of value.

Logistics is also one of the industries that is particularly dependent on functioning IT: Highly complex and highly optimized value chains can only function in a digitized world if the corresponding information is also processed continuously, correctly, confidentially and in accordance with global legal requirements in parallel with the flow of goods. This is why the importance of information security has also increased significantly in logistics in recent years.

DACHSER is aware of this and therefore offers a high level of information security, which is also the core task of the new Executive Unit IT & Development. DACHSER IT was also one of the first logistics service providers to be certified to ISO/IEC 27001, a leading international standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and thus the most important cyber security certification.

In addition, DACHSER takes organizational, technical and constructional measures to protect customer data, regularly invests in the security of its own systems and implements annual audits to maintain its high level of security and renew certifications. Organizational aspects include confidentiality arrangements with third parties, IT user guidelines, secure connection of mobile workstations, implementation of the IT Security Act and the GDPR, or a comprehensive emergency organization between IT and operations. Technical measures include: Virus protection, spam defense, fail-safer, emergency planning and regular backup of all mission-critical data. The operation of independent, state-of-the-art parallel data centers, a high standard of security at the branches, or backup systems to provide the power supply of the decentralized IT secure are among the constructional measures DACHSER implements to ensure a high level of information security.

Customer data at DACHSER is protected in particular by encrypted transmission on all access routes and is subject to an authorization concept to protect against unauthorized viewing or manipulation.

With these comprehensive measures, we prevent economic damage, protect ourselves and our customers from system malfunctions as well as hacker attacks, and offer secure and trustworthy handling of your data along the entire transport chain.

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