
New perspectives: Annual report from DACHSER and terre des hommes

For almost twenty years, DACHSER has been supporting the children's charity terre des hommes in giving disadvantaged children and young people new opportunities and prospects. The new annual report provides an overview of the worldwide projects.

Giving perspectives - DACHSER and terre des hommes

At the end of 2004, the devastating tsunami following an earthquake in the Indian Ocean caused unprecedented destruction, particularly in Thailand and India. Under the impression of the great need and the many victims, the international aid and willingness to donate was overwhelming at that time. In this situation, however, terre des hommes and DACHSER asked themselves: What will happen to India and the children and families affected by poverty and a lack of prospects when emergency aid runs out and the misery disappears from the headlines? One answer was long-term projects in areas particularly affected by poverty with a focus on education, children's and women's rights and sustainability. terre des hommes and DACHSER are still following this path today and have expanded their cooperation over the years - in South Asia, southern Africa, Latin America and, since 2022, in war-torn Ukraine.

Annual report 2023

DACHSER's support is designed for the long term, and new projects and initiatives are constantly being added and implemented by local project partners on the ground. Insights into their progress and successes can be found in the current annual report, which you can download here.

Annual report 2023 PDF (1,85 MB)
DACHSER worldwide
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