Welcome to our website about our commitment to
terre des hommes

South Asia

In the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, DACHSER and terre des hommes are committed to the sustainable development of suitable structures in the sense of education as well as the environmentally compatible use of resources for children and villagers.


Uttar Pradesh is one of the poorest and most populous states in India. The predominantly rural-based economy is currently undergoing a structural crisis. Typical small artisan businesses are collapsing and local agriculture can barely feed the inhabitants. In addition, there are the serious consequences of climate change, constant rural exodus, high unemployment and low wages.

Southern Africa

In Namibia, DACHSER has been cooperating with terre des hommes since 2014 to ensure better future opportunities for San children, the oldest population group in southern Africa.


The San, also referred to as “Bushmen”, live primarily in poverty – either on gigantic farms or in slum-like settlements on the outskirts of small cities. Unemployment is high and the social problems are massive. Together, terre des hommes and DACHSER support the WIMSA Organization (Working Group of Indigenous Minorities in Southern Africa) with educational projects for children. The project work focuses on early kindergarten and pre-school education, as well as the provision of support in subsequent education. In addition, practical professional training are offered to young people to prepare them for employment in lodges, hotels or on construction sites.

Latin America

In Brazil, DACHSER has been campaigning for the Limeira Children’s Rights Center since 2015. Drug-dealing, organized crime and deployment of the military police are an unfortunate part of the everyday lives of many children and young people in the community of Campinas, a city with more than one million inhabitants, in the state of São Paulo. In conjunction with terre des hommes and local government agencies, DACHSER supports educational programs to open up young people’s life prospects. The Children’s Rights Center strives to offer children and young people an alternative to criminality and drug addiction. For this purpose, the Center offers direct education in schools and alternative recreational activities. In addition, the children and young people, their families as well as representatives from local government agencies are made aware of children’s rights. Thus, children and young people are to be seen as campaigners for a culture of peace.

terre des hommes Logo

terre des hommes Germany is an international developmental children’s aid organization which operates independently of governments, the economy, religious institutions and political parties. It is headquartered in Osnabrück in Northern Germany and has several local and regional offices worldwide. Since the mid-1960s, the non-governmental organization promotes an ‘earth of humanity’. terre des hommes supports more than 350 projects for children in need in more than 30 countries worldwide.

The children’s aid organization does not send volunteers, but rather supports local initiatives with donations and consultation. One of their main objectives is security and lasting support for children.

We protect children of slavery and exploitation, help refugee kids, take care of the victims of war, violence and abuse, and provide education and training for children. We support girls and boys, whose families died of AIDS, and stand up for children‘s rights for a healthy environment and the protection of discriminated groups.

terre des hommes


Bernhard Simon, CEO von DACHSER

The prosperity of the Western world is also due to the fact that, at least in part, production conditions elsewhere are far removed from our minimum standards. This therefore gives us a special responsibility. There is only one world in which we live; we are all interconnected in many different ways in today’s world.

Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DACHSER

As a family-owned business, DACHSER is committed to a long-term and sustainable company policy. While focusing on economic and environmental goals, social objectives are equally as important and we pursuit them with great dedication and sense of responsibility. Logistics brings people, markets and production worlds closer together. For DACHSER, global growth means, even on a worldwide scale, assuming responsibility and actively working to improve the living conditions of those who have not benefited equally from globalization.


Especially in today’s world, where many places are being shaped by wars, crises, and uncertainty, we need powerful initiatives for further local development. In the age of globalization, we are all living in one world. Tomorrow’s refugees could be coming from another region. Our responsibility extends beyond company and country borders.

Therefore, DACHSER is actively involved in promoting sustainable improvements to the situation of children, especially for girls and young women in rural areas. Our engagement since 2005 is thus dedicated in particular to the children’s aid organization terre des hommes. Together we promote „Helping others help themselves” in order to improve living conditions as well as education and vocational training opportunities for disadvantaged minorities. Sustainable support requires thought-through concepts, patience and commitment. These principles have always guided DACHSER’s company philosophy as well.

The commitment made by DACHSER and terre des hommes has been designed to be sustainable and long-term. It is intended to bring about a structural improvement in the living conditions of socially and economically-disadvantaged population groups. Strictly adhering to the principle of “Helping people help themselves”, DACHSER has now been supporting the local partner organizations of terre des hommes for ten years with the following activities: To regard people in need as brothers on the same level - the idea of terre des hommes’ founder Lutz Beisel describes very well the difference between charity and corporate social responsibility which the DACHSER family fully supports as we are seeing ourselves as corporate citizens in a globalized world.

For the development partnership to make a real difference, you need staying power and to make sure social responsibility is firmly rooted in the local communities.

Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DACHSER


children attended educational programs


children and women were educated about their rights and given assistance to actively demand them


Number of children, who have been placed in regular private or public schools


youth (mostly girls) who attended vocational courses


trees were planted


Number of family kitchen gardens implemented by children and youth


Number of youth involved in raising awareness among community on various social issues

While continuing its 11-year collaboration in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh with the children’s aid organization terre des hommes, ...

... DACHSER is expanding its commitment to additional project regions in India, Nepal, Brazil, and Namibia.

Over the next four years, the logistics provider will invest over EUR 1.1 million in local aid projects to bring lasting improvements to people’s lives by helping them help themselves.

Bernhard Simon

Living and working together in a flourishing environment creates better prospects for current and future generations. This is responsible entrepreneurship at its finest - on a small and big scale.

Bernhard Simon, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of DACHSER


In Germany, people of all ages in approx. 120 cities volunteer for terre des hommes with the joint goal to help children in need. Working with terre des hommes is not just about giving something, it is above all also about receiving something in return, for example a smile.

You decide how much and for what you would like to make a contribution. Please click on the donation button below and you will be directed to our donation form on the terre des hommes website.