Corporate Citizen+

As part of its sustainability and climate protection strategy DACHSER supports social and societal activities beyond the company’s direct business interests as part of Corporate Citizen+. Engagement in developing and emerging countries is paramount.

Empowering children and young people

Since 2005 DACHSER has been helping people to help themselves together with the international children’s aid charity terre des hommes. Different projects in South Asia, Southern Africa, Latin America and Ukraine aim to improve the educational opportunities and living conditions of children and young people, particularly those from socially and economically disadvantaged communities. A particular concern is funding youth groups that are involved in children’s rights, education, and climate and environmental protection. The projects focus directly on local social structures in order to promote self-determination because, in line with the guiding principle “Helping People to Help Themselves,” young people should take the future of their local community into their own hands and shape it. They are comprehensively empowered for this in long-term projects, not least because their entrepreneurial spirit is awoken and encouraged.

You can find more on the projects with terre des hommes in the current Annual Report in our DACHSER Mediaroom

Social responsibility: our projects with terre des hommes
Social responsibility: our projects with terre des hommes

Supporting climate protection projects

Since 2022, DACHSER has been funding sustainability projects in Africa and South-East Asia by the climate protection organization myclimate. The projects are focused on climate protection with the reduction and avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions.

At the end of 2023, DACHSER, terre des hommes and climate protection organization myclimate have entered into a long-term collaboration to launch new climate action projects worldwide. The collaboration addresses two complementary fields of action: climate action projects with myclimate in South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe; and projects together with terre des hommes geared toward supporting children and young people worldwide with an additional focus on climate action.

To learn more about the collaboration and current projects, please visit the dedicated website at myclimate.