DACHSER European Logistics - Networking across Europe

DACHSER European Logistics offers transport and logistics solutions whose strengths lie in a professional European network for procurement and distribution. Comprehensive network and freight transport in Europe, a homogeneous structure consisting mainly of DACHSER branches, subsidiaries and partner companies, as well as DACHSER IT, make the rapid, precise transport of goods within Europe possible. Daily services to destinations outside Europe include Turkey and the Maghreb states (DACHSER Cargoplus). The special capabilities of DACHSER European Logistics lie in the combination of a highly efficient and comprehensive network with daily network and freight transport.

These DACHSER services make cargo transport more effective

  • Central organization of the European transport network via the Head Office
  • Unified performance standards and quality criteria
  • Permanent monitoring of the logistical transport processes
  • Economic efficiency through standardization, digitization and excellent knowledge of the industry
  • Win-win situations through collaborative action
  • Flexibility through a Europe-wide network of locally acting branches
  • Customer-specific transport and logistics solutions
  • Forward-looking through the power of innovation
  • Local customer service centers in all European branches
  • Individual, customer-specific care in connection with country and region-specific market expertise

DACHSER European Logistics in detail

entargo: Unified, transparent logistics solutions for the whole of Europe

The entargo product family offers clients secure logistics for Europe with a transparent cost structure and unified performance standards for national and European transport. entargo is characterized by a unified range of services with consistently high quality standards. The data processing in every European DACHSER branch is carried out using the same, unified IT standards. Through an ongoing target/actual comparison, quality throughout the transport process becomes measurable. entargo bundles four services: targospeed, targofix, targoflex and targo on-site. These universally available product lines fulfill the requirements of the customer in terms of transit time, delivery period and tracking and tracing within Europe. They provide complete transparency in the shipping process and ensure Europe-wide standards in logistics.

Goods consolidation and daily freight services through Eurohubs

Companies of every size and from all sectors of industry and trade benefit from a strong European logistics network. By trusting in DACHSER European Logistics for all their logistics needs, the logistics balance sheet is optimized via targeted outsourcing. Synergy effects in the supply chain also create economic advantages: The high degree of capacity utilization in the DACHSER fleet through goods consolidation and set routes between DACHSER branches reduces logistics costs and simultaneously optimizes transit times. The unified logistics systems, processes and IT solutions and services developed by DACHSER offer the customer the highest degree of security. The transport of break bulk cargo or groupage consolidation as whole or partial shipments – Full Truck Load (FTL) or Less Than Truck Load (LTL) – is carried out via an intelligent combination of direct deliveries and network transport. They are operated via the logistics centers of the Eurohubs and platforms.

The DACHSER Eurohubs in Überherrn (Saarland), Bratislava (Slovakia) and Clermont-Ferrand (France) act as centers through which all goods bound for common destinations are consolidated. Fixed and scheduled departure times, precisely defined transit times and a seamless connection to global transports give customers the planning security they need for their business.

Tailored solutions through special industry expertise

In order to more precisely fulfill the needs and requirements of its clients, DACHSER European Logistics offers tailor-made, industry-specific solutions. These include the two Corporate Solutions, DACHSER Chem Logistics and DACHSER DIY Logistics.

Intercontinental connections: Global transport with DACHSER Air & Sea Logistics

The global air and sea freight network of DACHSER Air & Sea Logistics enables intercontinental connections for all European transports. To this end, we have established our own branches which – supplemented by strong local partners – ensure a seamless process. Frankfurt Airport (air) and all Europe's major harbors such as Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Le Havre, Marseille and Valencia (sea) are the central hubs for the DACHSER Gateway Strategy. They are the connecting points between the European and global air and sea freight networks. This allows for the optimization of flight departures and goods despatch in sea transport.

Security: Goods and cargo are in the best hands

The most modern technology and trained personnel are the prerequisites for the protection of the goods and for comprehensive quality management. Goods security includes digital video monitoring, strict access restrictions for all DACHSER facilities and the ongoing training of employees on the most important concerns of the company. Additional routine measures include regular quality controls in the branches and the seamless monitoring of the product flow via ActiveReport. Furthermore, all status information is available in realtime via our own, web-based tracking and tracing system.

For comprehensive cargo security, DACHSER relies on the most modern technology, including seals with integrated IDs, numerous on-site controls and trusted cargo security equipment. Fixed standards for transport as well as internal tools for quality assurance in the areas of freight and environmental protection, transport security and employee health and safety are considered exemplary within the industry.

The main capabilities of DACHSER European Logistics

Key competencies


DACHSER European Logistics offers the highest level of quality in handling. This is achieved via the unified, transnational IT system and the exceptionally well-trained employees with country-specific market knowledge.

Improvement of transit times

Daily connections between countries and a dense European network with high delivery frequencies ensure the rapid, reliable transport of goods.

Standardized processes and quality standards

Customers benefit from set rules and procedures, as well as ongoing quality controls.

Precise scheduling

Pre-set transit times ensure a high level of planning security and reliability.

Timed scheduling

The route of the goods to their destination is precisely pre-defined, providing security for procurement and distribution.

An intelligent mix

The combination of platform and logistics hub transports, as well as direct deliveries, shortens transit times, lowers transport costs, increases the security of goods and optimizes the environmental footprint.

Maximum flexibility

Clients can design their transports freely depending on the transit time requirements and delivery times.