Corporate Governance at DACHSER

As one of the leading, family-owned, global logistics service providers, DACHSER is committed to the transparency of its “Good Governance” policies. DACHSER’s Corporate Governance is therefore based on responsible corporate leadership focused on economic, social and ecological sustainability. The policies of “Good Governance” by which DACHSER lives are based upon.

Transparent communication

The information flow between individual committees is characterized by loyalty, openness and honesty. Mutual trust is one of the hallmarks of Corporate Governance at DACHSER.

Reliable structures

Shareholder and management responsibilities are clearly defined. As early as 2007, a shareholder agreement was ratified stipulating that the Management Board must include a majority of non-family members. Both owner families, each with a 50% share of the company, have therefore transferred their monitoring function to a high-level Supervisory Board headed by Dr. Jürgen Schneider. The majority of members of this board are non-family experts, as well as one member of each family.

Long-term strategies

DACHSER has clearly defined corporate goals. The company has made evaluation and subsidiarity its core principles. At the same time, DACHSER acts consistently in the interest of stakeholders, partners and customers. As a result of the long-term strategic objectives and a corporate leadership focused on the future, DACHSER is a secure, global business partner.