Value-based supply chain

DACHSER acts responsibly with a view to the company, its customers, and its employees. In this way, the family-owned company combines its striving for economic success with a ­commitment to civil society and its ecological ­and cultural concerns. The ­focus is always on future viability and ­orientation towards future generations. At DACHSER, all of this is firmly anchored in the corporate culture and is also lived out in everyday life. After all, ­since the company was founded in 1930, future viability has been a ­declared part of the self-image of a decidedly value-oriented corporate management in the triad of strategy, structure, and culture.

As a globally active family-owned company, DACHSER understands ecological, ­economic, and social aspects of coexistence as evolving framework conditions that are essential for ensuring that we can continue to live together peacefully in a healthy environment tomorrow. This includes constant honest self-reflection on our own business model and its - potentially also negative - impact on people and the environment. We see it as our duty to constantly balance the resulting interactions, to promote positive effects, and to actively counteract any negative effects. DACHSER is part of a globalized logistics system that is bringing continents closer together, and this is only possible with an enormous use of resources and the corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. ­We see the management of these emissions as a core task on the path to more sustainable and climate-friendly logistics.

In its business activities, DACHSER is always careful not to cause or indirectly contribute to human rights violations or harmful effects on the environment. In doing so, DACHSER is guided by internationally applicable human rights and environmental protection standards.

Human rights and environmental protection are important to us:

  • We respect our fellow human beings and ensure fair cooperation.
  • We avoid harmful environmental impacts and conserve resources.   

Together, we ensure a value-based supply chain.

You can download the general statement on supply chain diligence here:

General statement on supply chain diligence PDF (0,08 MB)
Bericht zum LkSG 2024 PDF (0,16 MB)