Thomas Hiemer – CFO

Thomas Hiemer is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at DACHSER and manages the Executive Unit Finance, Controlling, Tax & Treasury. In this function, a fundamental element is to combine the solid financial structure of the family-owned company with long-term entrepreneurial and financial objectives. The Executive Unit plays a crucial role in shaping the strategic development of the company. It ensures profitability, financial stability and flexibility, enabling continuous investment in the expansion of DACHSER's global network, innovative digitalization, and climate protection measures.

Providing corporate and standardized financial systems for Accounting, Controlling, and Reporting is another key responsibility of Thomas Hiemer. Moreover, ensuring the fulfillment of all company-related tax obligations is an integral component of his duties.

Thomas Hiemer
Thomas Hiemer

Valuable and sustainable growth based on a long-term orientation

Thomas Hiemer was born in Kempten in 1983. The graduate economist worked in the finance department of the DAX company Heidelberg Materials and gained comprehensive international experience in the USA and China. He joined DACHSER in 2013, expanding his expertise in Corporate Finance, Accounting as well as Controlling. He successfully managed the Corporate Controlling department before taking on the position as Head of Corporate Finance in December 2021. In July 2023, Hiemer was appointed Deputy Director of the Executive Unit Finance, Controlling, Tax & Treasury until he became CFO in January 2025. Throughout his career he achieved several important milestones at DACHSER, such as the introduction of the key figure ROCE, the harmonization of internal and external accounting, and lately the implementation of SAP S/4HANA.